Living Balance Clinic

is located at

2-551 Knights Hill Road, London


Phone number 519-601-6602


Tell your friends we are accepting New  Clients. We would love to meet them and help them on their way to health.



Please park in the lot for 551 Knights Hill Road, you could be towed if you park at 250  Commissioners Rd West

(Boca Dental)

Thank you

 Yvonne         De Villiers

Yvonne has been a Massage Therapist in South Africa since 2001 and a Registered Massage Therapist in Canada since 2011. Yvonne graduated as a Certified Structural Integrator in 2015. To learn more about Yvonne, click the  button below.

Contact Us

Living Balance Clinic

Unit 2 - 551 Knights Hill Road

Lower Level

London, Ontario

 N6J 3A1


Phone: 519-601-6602


All the information you need to know for your first appointment will be sent with your first confirmation e-mail when you book online. If you have any other questions or concerns please contact us here or call. Our professional team will be happy to help you.


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